Hedy Documentation

Extra Hedy features

Make your own adventure

It is also possible for teachers to create your own adventure. This video shows you how to create your own adventure as a teacher and add it to your class(es).

Public adventures

Would you like to use adventures made by other teachers? Then you can visit our public adventures page. Here you can find all the adventures made by other teachers from all over the world. To find a good fit for you, you can select a level, language and even a tag. Have you found an adventure you'd like to use? Then you can press 'clone' to make a copy of that adventure to your own account. You can edit the clone to your liking and add the adventure to your class in the same way you would your own adventures. You cannot edit the original, so the original will always be safe. Have you made an adventure yourself that you'd like to add to the public adventures? Tick the box that makes your adventure publicly available when creating the adventure!

Explore page

On the explore page you can view the work of other Hedy users. You can try out their programs and use them as inspiration to create something cool yourself. You can also add a program you've made to the explore page yourself by clicking 'Save and share code' in the coding screen or go to My Programs and click 'Share'. Don't want to share your work anymore? Simply go to 'My Programs' and click 'Unshare'. If you want more information about the explore page, check out this video.

My achievements

If you click on your username in the topright corner of your screen, you can go to My achievements. On this page you achievements are collected. Your students have such a page as well. When you hover over the badge with your mouse, you'll see how to earn the badge. There are hidden badges too, of which you'll have to find out yourself how to earn them. If you want more information on the achievements, check out this video.

High Scores

On this page you can see the high scores of all Hedy users. In this videoyou can learn some more about the high scores.


Is your (student's) code not working? There must be a bug (coding mistake) in it! You can use the debugger to find the mistake. The debugger is the ladybug button in your coding screen. If you press it, you can run your code line by line to find your mistake. Have you found the mistake? Press the red stop button and the debugger will shut off.

Read aloud

Do you want the output of your program to be read aloud? Then you can use the read aloud function that is found under the 'run code' button in your coding screen.

Programmers mode

Distracted by all the adventures, or do you want to make a long program? Then check out the 'Programmers Mode' switch at the bottom of your coding screen. Programmers mode allows you and your students to use a bigger coding screen.

Cheat sheets

In every level there is a button with this emoji 🤔. You and your students can find the "cheat sheets" there. On this cheat sheet, you can find all the commands that are usable in this level in their correct form. So if you've forgotten how a command works, simply take a peek at the cheat sheet!


This video shows you even more features of Hedy, like the cheatsheets and the keyword switcher.